IFF/SSR is used by air defence (AD) units, AD aircraft and civil radars to identify radar echoes. AD radars on the ground are usually cross-linked by secure data channels to air traffic control ground installations. Maximum bandwidth within the IFF/SSR ambit is provided to military aviation. It is quite secure, because a coded response to a military radar challenge in India is not going to reach South Africa, being limited to Line Of Sight. But, with so many advances in technology and AWACS/SatNav/GPS integration, the dispersion of the radar-frequency based challenge and response may well increase. Its detection range depends on the strength of the pulse, its duration and altitude
The ground (or AD aircraft) transmitter, known as the interrogator, transmits a coded interrogation signal (challenge) which is received and decoded by transponders in the targeted aircraft/body. Depending on the mode to which the transponder is set, a coded reply signal is transmitted back to the interrogator. This reply signal is decoded and shown on the radar display along with the primary radar response as Friendly or Unknown.
Further vocal or visual interaction will clear any doubts. Such foul up is rare, but happens now and then. I have been scrambled to intercept what my No 2 and I could see from 100 km away was an airliner way off track. We had to get to M 1.4 to catch up with the ac which was at M0.84, slow down and show our missiles to the doping Capt till he woke up, saw me and gave me a thumbs-up. His 2nd Officer must have done the necessary spadework since we were recalled shortly thereafter.
Cockpit Control Panel: The interface is small, about 2.5cm x 12.5 cm. It has four windows, each with a corresponding up & down scroller. The power switch is also placed on the panel. The windows are placed serially, i.e., A-B-C-D and each of these windows has its own interpretation. It is so programmed that it can show only codes identified by numbers 1-7. The maximum no of codes actually available is 4096. The interrogator will see a response like 4172.
IFF and SSR, though quite different, operate on the same principle. All IAF aircraft are now fitted with transponders which can operate with both systems. Civil ac may not use military modes, unless in a dire emergency or if hijacked. IFF is now being used more frequently in the IAF.
In most countries abroad, where traffic density is high, you will not be permitted to get airborne if your IFF is defective. It is used on the ground also, since civil airfields can have multiple ac milling around with two or more runways in use. Aircraft on ground are identified by ground radar and controlled visually by the standard ATC
The basic interrogation signal is transmitted at a frequency of 1030 MHz and the response is at 1090 MHz. Civil and Military Aviation have their own operating algorithms, with one common mode, called Mode A for civil ac and Mode 3 for military ac. The IAF Rafale that just flew in would have been on mode 3 from France to India. Moreover, it would have incorporated the mandatory Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS).
The military IFF Modes are very tightly controlled. These are the secro-channels for military ac of a country. Military ac have to transmit raw data quickly for identification while civil ac can take their time and pack in a lot of data in just one transmission. We are dealing in micro and milliseconds here. For instance, the common Modes 3/A are considered broad at a spacing of 8 μs. Civil ac have responses taking up to one second. There is no law banning mated frequencies of 1040-2000 MHz and the like! But then, you will not be able to leave your own airspace
The transmitted code (4172) is displayed in a sleeve on the ac as seen on the PPI radar display. It can be dropped temporarily by de-cluttering the screen and calling it back when required.
There are a total of seven normal reply modes, three for military use and five for civil use, with one overlap. Of the 5 civil modes, only three are used. Of these three, one is dedicated to altitude. The transponder, in association with an encoding altimeter, replies with a code indicating the aircraft’s height conforming to global standards. Air traffic controllers can confirm that aircraft are maintaining, vacating, reaching, or passing assigned flight levels, and to monitor the vertical separation between transponding aircraft, without requiring to talk.