Drone based attack caused low intensity Explosion on Jammu airbase

Source - IAF twitter handle, theprint



In a first-of-its-kind attack in India, two low-intensity improvised explosive devices (IEDs) were dropped from a drone at the Indian Air Force (IAF) base in Jammu, and they exploded “close to the helicopter hangar”, ThePrint has learnt. The explosion did not cause any damage to any equipment, but two IAF personnel received “very minor” injuries.

In a Twitter post, the IAF said two “low intensity explosions” were reported. “One caused minor damage to the roof of a building while the other exploded in an open area.”

It added that “there was no damage to any equipment. Investigation is in process along with civil agencies”. The IAF did not mention about the drones but did point out that the roof was damaged

Sources in the defence and security establishment said the spot of the explosion was much further from the outer perimeter wall of the airport and hence a grenade attack has been ruled out. The sources said the first explosion occurred around 1.30 am.
According to initial inputs, an IAF patrolling team witnessed the explosive being dropping and rushed to the area. A second was dropped minutes later, which led to very minor injuries to two personnel, the sources said.
It is learnt that both the explosions were of low intensity. However, the explosives were dropped close to the aircraft hangars.

Multiple teams from bomb disposal squad, forensics, IAF, police and security agencies were rushed to the spot. “Had the IEDs fallen in the helicopter hangar, it would have caused damage. Thankfully, it fell a little away from it,” a source said. While no fighters are based at the Jammu technical airport, the base has assets like the Mi17 helicopters and transport aircraft.